Dan Campbell’s Wife Holly Shouts Out Young Football Genius After Reaching a Major Social Media Milestone

3 min read

Dan Campbell‘s journey with the Detroit Lions has been outstanding. He had a brilliant 39-28 record in the last 4 years, taking them twice in the playoffs. He definitely has a knack for selecting and guiding players to the pinnacle. Seems like his wife, Holly Campbell, has learned some of his skills as well.

Holly’s recent Instagram story discusses something related to Dan Campbell’s profession. On Feb 6, she shared a video of a kid explaining her insane football plays. What’s so special about that? Holly’s text says it all.

The overlay text of the IG story says, “Love this kid.” The main content of the story posted by Willow Tree Flower Farm says, “I asked him to grab his journal so he could finish his lessons of writing a poem. Unbeknownst to me- all it’s full of football plays that he makes up at bedtime. .” The kid is wearing a tee from the University of Michigan. And if you closely look at what the kid is saying, he’s talking about how the quarterback found a way to throw the football to wideout when every defensive player of the other team was going to the other side. And man, who knows if this 7-8 (approx.) years old kid becomes an NFL quarterback in the future? Well, it’s a special gesture by Holly how she promotes such young football talent.

But, you know, before posting that ‘quite inspirational’ story of a young kid, Holly Campbell has also shared an update about her new milestone! Wanna know what the milestone is all about? Let’s dive in!

Dan Campbell’s wife, Holly, crossed a milestone 

On Thursday, Holly Campbell dropped a surprise for those who overlook it. She posted a story on Instagram with a blue and white cake. The creamy text on top of the cake said, “100K”. The overlay text of her social media post says, “Thank you @Prioritysports!!! Look what you made me do!! .” And by the time the post went viral, Campbell had already crossed 4000 more Instagram followers than the milestone of 100,000 in 8 hours. 

It’s those small but meaningful things and updates that make Holly Campbell a beloved social media influencer. Talking more about her 100K feat, Campbell also shared a post with Dan Campbell hilariously zooming in on the numbers! Holly’s post on Wednesday read, “Woke up to 100K. Y’all that’s nuts! Thank you guys for being so nice while I stumble through this little journey .” She also added, “If you want to see anything offseason-related, let me know!! But go easy on Dan’s (Campbell’s) request… He’ll get cranky.” She certainly has a good sense of humor.

Holly is truly a perfect woman who looks after her two kids and stays strong in every situation in Dan Campbell’s football career. Now, fans are waiting for Holly to update them in the offseason. Let’s see if she posts it in the future.

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